Monday, August 24, 2015

Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread

Cinnamon Raisin bread holds a special place in my heart... My mom would buy the Pepperidge Farm kind as a "Special" bread.  We would always eat the loaf so quickly and yearn for her to buy another.... Now as an adult and mom myself, I have bought the Pepperidge Farm kind maybe twice. But each time I do, it transports me back to being...


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Brown Butter M&M Cookies

M&M and Chocolate Chip cookies are my ultimate weakness.  Sometimes I find that a Chocolate-with-Chocolate Cookie is a bit too much, so I prefer the complex flavors that go into a vanilla based cookie with some Chocolate in it... Don't get me wrong, there is Definitely a time and place for an ALL Chocolate cookie, but I...


Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Rose Cake

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"                                                                     - William Shakespeare Roses are the epitome...


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Butter Pecan Cake with Salted Caramel Frosting

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!  The way this cake came about is because my husband is a BIG fan of Butter Pecan. It's one of the only ice creams flavors that we always have in our freezer, besides Chocolate, of course ;-) So when I saw a Butter Pecan flavor in a boxed cake, I was thrilled!!!  I then started to think of frosting flavors...


Friday, April 3, 2015

Sun cookies - Tutorial

I was so happy to have been a part of a set of pretty sun cookies for a Baby Shower my cousin was hosting.  When I say pretty, I mean, pretty.... Bows and Eyelashes pretty... My cousin sent me a picture of a gorgeous set of cookies made by The Baking Sheet and I was inspired.  In order to make these beautiful cookies, I had to...


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Donating Cookies makes me Smile....

And makes my heart happy...... When I started this baking journey in 2011, I quickly found out that this is truly my passion... I love the smell of the things I bake, I love the process of making things and the process of turning simple ingredients into not only beautiful creations but also tasty treats.  As I baked for friends and...


Monday, February 9, 2015

Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cake

What is your favorite Chocolate combination????? Mine are:  Chocolate with Raspberries Chocolate with Cinnamon Chocolate with Strawberries Chocolate with Mint Chocolate with chocolate..... For this Pre-Valentine's Day Dessert, I wanted to try something new.  And, boy, Did I.... This cake is deliciously Moist, Decadent...

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